MagRabbit Takes Advantage of Java Message Service

MagRabbit takes advantages of Java Message Service in Enterprise App Development.

Developers always desire to build applications with software components separated from the information of other components to simplify replacing components. Moreover, those components can send information to another and still operate without receiving an immediate response. That is the reason Sun Microsystems created Java Message Service, or JMS API, strongly supporting application development. MagRabbit is experienced in using the JMS API to enhance efficiency when developing enterprise applications.

JMS provides a standard way for Java programs to independently access an enterprise messaging system, which is message-oriented middleware (MOM). This MOM allows the communication between software components of a distributed application to be loosely coupled and reliable as it provides asynchronous delivery of data between applications, allowing them to interact indirectly through MOM. Thus, JMS allows programs to create, send, receive and read messages with the support of a MOM product. This can be illustrated through the two models of JMS API, point-to-point and publish/subscribe.

In the PTP model, a domain or an application has three primary components, which includes message queues, senders, and receivers. A sender sends a message to a specific queue and this message will be picked up by a possible receiver. In recent years, publish/subscribe replaces the single destination in the PTP model with a content hierarchy called topics. Sending applications publish their messages with information about a topic in the hierarchy. Subscribing to a topic in the hierarchy that contains subtopics allows the subscriber to receive all messages published to the topic and its subtopics. The MOM acts as a broker, routing the published messages for a topic to all subscribers for that topic.

Thank the asynchronism of this approach, software components can communicate indirectly with each other; meaning that message senders don’t need to know anything about the receiver. Messaging here, therefore, is a form of loosely coupled distributed communication. In addition, the interaction between components is reliable since each message is delivered only once, so applications will be ensured not to receive duplicated messages or miss messages. Additionally, the portability of JMS is provided by a set of interfaces, JMS API, allowing applications written in the Java programming language to communicate with other messaging implementations. We can build a JMS application by defining a set of messages and a set of client applications that exchange those messages.

In a nutshell, MagRabbit makes use of the JMS API in application development to shorten the learning curve and minimize the concepts needed to use enterprise messages for application development. Simultaneously, this approach maximizes the portability of messaging applications by providing client interfaces for both point-to-point and pub/subdomains. It is the asynchronism of the JMS API that helps MagRabbit save time and effort in creating enterprise applications.

If you are interested in JMS API or your business has demanded of web or mobile applications, please contact MagRabbit at +1 (512) 310-9903 or email us at, so that we can offer you the best software development and IT consulting services